Roberto Esposito, Partner
He operated in retail (Bolton Group, Adams, Wilkinson), serices (DHL), pharma (Warner Lambert) and biomedical (Guidant) always as HR Director.
He is a certified ICF coach and collaborates with Bocconi University as an Orientator in the Graduate Orientation Program.
After 12 years of corporate experience, he begins his collaboration in Choralia in 2002 and becomes a partner.
Together with training, Roberto develops coaching, assessment and skills development projects in a dedicated way: he has designed and implemented Assessment Center and Development Center for companies of the most varied sectors, accumulating great sensitivity for the HR evaluation and enhancement within critical and complex changes.
He did over 35 coaching interventions for executives and managers in different roles and in different sectors.
Finally, he deepened his studies on emotional intelligence and leadership, constantly creating and updating training models for the development of emotional intelligence and leadership applied to business.